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Meet Ella

Ella is excited about everything travel and culture, especially food.

With a love of the outdoors and despite being accident prone she is always eager for whatever adventure or activity travel throws at her. Ella is passionate about animal conservation and sustainable travel. She loves all animals, big and small (even the scary kind in her home country Australia). Travel inspires her to see, taste, try new things and make meaningful connections with others.

Travelling truly creates memories for a lifetime! Highlights for Ella include seeing the snow monkeys in Japan, climbing mountains in New Zealand, and wandering ancient temples in Cambodia. She thrives on exploring new locations and is always enthusiastic for her next adventure.
"Wander often, wonder always." — Anonymous
Ella’s Explore trips wishlist:
  1. Highlights of Albania
  2. Costa Rica Wildlife Tour
  3. Upgraded - Discover Turkey

Area of expertise
  1. Japan
  2. South East Asia

Travel inspiration